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The Ben Gurion Years
Major Simulations (2048 Crisis: Israel & the UN - A Resolution of Support ) |
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F. DETAILS OF PROCEDUREI. UN Security Council:You have 15 members plus the Israel delegate (delegation), who is the Israeli ambassador to the UN. You can work by grouping yourself into blocs like Nato; EEC; Organization of African Countries (OAC). We have marked with an * those countries who have trading or diplomatic relations with Israel. Other groups are, the New East & Central European Alliance [fictitious], South East Asian Countries, the non-aligned countries, etc. You have time to review the situation (a few minutes) and then 15 minutes to sort out allies and what you want to put into the resolution. The whole Council then chooses a chairman and there is a five-minute discussion. There is then ten minutes to review the situation and negotiate. The last five minutes are for reading the Resolution and a vote. Remember - a veto throws out the Resolution. Abstention is possible, but any Resolution must have at least a two-thirds majority. 1. List of members The Council always has 15 members, five of whom are permanent (@), the other ten being elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly. Commonwealth of Australia*; The Argentine Republic*; The Kingdom of Belgium*; The Republic of Bulgaria; The Marxist Republic of Angola; The Republic of Ecuador(*trade only); Ethiopia; The French Republic*@; The People's Republic of China*@ (trade only); The Arab Republic of Egypt*; The Republic of Romania* (trade only); Spain*; The Commonwealth of Independent States@; The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland*@; The United States of America*@. 2. States voting for partition in 1947 (32) Byelorussia, USSR, Belgium, Iceland, South Africa, Ukraine, Australia, Uruguay, Ecuador, USA, Bulgaria, Guatemala, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Holland, Philippines, Haiti, Venezuela, Liberia, Luxemburg, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, Poland, France, Czechoslovakia, Canada, Costa Rica, Sweden. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS FOR BOTH GROUPS: UN Security Council Resolution 242 Concerning Principles
for a Just The Security Council Expressing its continuing concern with the grave
situation in the Middle East, 1. Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles; (i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict; (ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force; 2. Affirms further the necessity a) for guaranteeing freedom of navigation through international waterways in the area; b) for achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem; c) for guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and political independence of every State in the area, through measures including the establishment of demilitarized zones; 3. Requests the Secretary-General to designate a Special Representative to proceed to the Middle East to establish and maintain contacts with the States concerned in order to promote agreement and assist efforts to achieve a peaceful and accepted settlement in accordance with the provisions and principles in this resolution; 4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the progress of the efforts of the Special Representative as soon as possible. II. Israeli Inner Cabinet: You have thirteen members plus an Israeli delegate to the UN who is "mobile" between the two groups and who can bring in one of Israel's delegation from the UN to negotiate with the prime minister if necessary. You are the Cabinet from a National Unity Government and as such, six MKs (all ministers) are in this Cabinet together with three Opposition representatives, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency, a Supreme Court Judge, the Chairman of the Histadrut (Trade Union) and one Chief Rabbi. Each is described below. Allocate the roles. Give out the documents. Make name cards for each person. You have a few minutes to reflect on your ideas, write some down: what issues do you think need to be reflected in this statement on State and Nationhood? The issues you are asked to consider, in addition, are: - The link between the people and the land of Israel; In a group, decide on which issues you want to include. If you come to no conclusion in five minutes, split up and create alliances (five minutes). Come back together and name your issues (five minutes). Split up and work on different sections of the
Statement, but only in outline (ten minutes). BIOS for Cabinet Members [role sheets] Government: 1. Prime Minister Raised on kibbutz, sabra, of Russian grandparents who came in the late 1890s. Decisive, pragmatic, believes in national unity and state sovereignty, even for political concessions. A good eye for the right strategy at the right time, knows how to canvass support, neutralize opposition. A socialist; not religious, but wants harmony in Israeli society and especially on issues of religion and state. 2. Defense Minister Former Army officer, pulls no punches. Right wing, strongly nationalist, but not hostile to compromise if there is no other solution. Sees Israel as having a message to the world. Traditional Jew but not "religious". 3. Finance Minister Graduate from American university, holds Ph.D. in Economics and Industrial Relations; knowledgeable in Bible and Western literature; from a traditional family but not an orthodox Jew, more a humanist and definitely an idealist both in terms of his Zionism (modern independent Jewish state) and in social terms (society based on free enterprise and mutual respect, etc.). Wants peace. 4. Minister for Education and Culture A religious moderate believing in a pluralistic society with give and take; retains a vision of a messianic Israel in years to come; well-versed in Bible and sociological theory; born in Morocco but raised in France and has lived in French Canada before aliya. Twenty-five years in Israel. Believes education is the key to all problems including aliya. 5. Minister for Foreign Affairs University educated socialist, sabra, atheist, believes in the separation of religion and state; has been Israel's representative to the UN; experienced politician, therefore not too outspoken, but wants to see a modern democratic Israel, and more aliya. 6. Minister for Labor and Social Welfare From a Yemenite family who arrived late 19th century; wants to see Israel and Israeli industry develop and has socialist ideas about a welfare state - has a strong link with Jewish heritage but not traditional. A staunch Ben Gurionist. 7. Supreme Court Judge Basically, here in lieu of Minister of Justice (at present abroad). Not a politician, but a democrat believing in the rule of law and the incorporation of the spirit of Jewish law into modern Israel without the details into which the Shulkhan Arukh goes; a stickler for detail; insistent but not aggressive about views. Opposition Representatives: 8. Make one an ultra-Orthodox person who tries to convey his concept of a Jewish state being the beginning of redemption and providing for the observant; 9. Make one a far left wing MK who wants equality of rights, peace and a modern democratic, secular state as the main principles of the Declaration; 10.Make one a far right-wing, near-extremist, imbued with the vision of prophecy fulfilled and the Jewish people coming into its own. 11. Chief Rabbi A man of great insight who can make himself heard - even though his views will not always be accepted, he makes the effort. Would like to draft the Declaration in sections and takes responsibility for certain sections at which he feels most competent - doesn't express views on subjects he feels are not too familiar to him. Patient. Aware of views of Diaspora Jews. 12. Chairman of Jewish Agency Gets him/herself accepted as chairman of this session,
maintains that he has no axe to grind; constantly reminds committee of how
what they decide will wash in the Diaspora and how they will be expected
to work together, but does not believe in any compromise on the issue of
aliya 13. Histadrut secretary Vociferously socialist, democratic and secular. Play it as it goes. 14. Israel's Delegate to the UN An astute diplomat. Uses position to insist on right to be heard if necessary. Believes national unity has priority and has an eye for all international implications. A moderate socialist. Believes in principle of national sovereignty and that state must have a unifying policy on religion. Supports the prime minister. |