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KKL-JNF Afforestation Objectives: The Preservation of Diverse and Sustainable Forests that Offers Services to the Public
Principles of Operation
The Inter-generational Principle: Preservation ofUpon
approval of National Master Plan No. 22 for (Forests) the KKL-JNF, as
KKL-JNF will therefore ensure that there is no deviation whatsoever from
National Master Plan No. 22 and will act to prevent all physical development in
areas designated as forest under National Master Plan 22 or other statutory
plans. This principle can also be implemented by designating alternative areas
that may be substituted through afforestation of lands in the same proximity
that are no smaller in size or lower in quality, and ecological function than
the woodlands in which development is allowed. Any decision on such
substitutions shall be made only after approval on a professional level of the
Afforestation Division, and in consultation with the Subcommittee for
Sustainable Development of the KKL Board of Directors.
preserving of lands zoned as forests pursuant to Israel’s Building and
Planning Act, the KKL-JNF will act to protect forest lands from development by
all available legal and other means, including declarations, leasing,
registering liens in the land registry, etc.
constitute a historical and cultural resource. The natural
neglect of these plots moreover causes desertification and erosion. The KKL-JNF
will strive to restore and nurture agricultural plots and croplands, including
the gamut of oasis areas and other agricultural installations, as a
representative expression of traditional and ancient heritage in the
KKL seeks to obtain from the State greater legal authorities in the domain of
management of the Afforestation Division, the Forest Commissioner appointed as
per the Forest Ordinance of 1926, and those granting approval on his or her
behalf, will take care to prevent the uprooting of trees, particularly old and /
or unique trees. Special permits for lumbering, as well as their non-issuance,
together with arguments supporting the relevant decisions, shall be published
annually on the KKL-JNF web-site.
Notwithstanding its efforts to reduce the amount of forests that require ongoing care and maintenance, providing high quality forests and open spaces requires investment and intervention on the part of the KKL, today and apparently in the future as well. This imposition is justified, given the KKL-JNF’s responsibility for providing future generations with quality open spaces. It is legitimate because such spaces, which require ongoing care, will be preserved and nurtured for the generations to come by the KKL-JNF, even as it seeks to reduce, to the extent possible the associated burden