B"H |
Farmsteads in the Negev
A Return Visit to Individual Farmsteads in the Negev
Arandel Farm"
south, outside the chain of farmsteads constituting the ancient Nabatean “wine
route” KKL-JNF is already busy reclaiming land for another farmstead, the
first of its kind, to be set up in the Arandel vally near Eilot,
Southern Arava
In this vast, empty land stretching to Eilat, a new farmstead is being
built on an area of some 60 dunams. Its
residents, the Cohen Family and their children, are living at the nearby
Kibbutz Yahel, eagerly waiting to move to the site, planting the first olive
trees on 20-dunams recently reclaimed by KKL-JNF.
The olives in the Arava, exactly as in Ramat Hanegev, will flourish when
irrigated with saline water, which can be found in vast quantities under the
surface throughout the
Danny and Keren came here from the city with pure Zionist motivations.
Danny is in hi-tech and still works in Tel Aviv while Keren, waiting for
the settlement authorizations, works in the coffee shop of Kibbutz Yahel.
They belong to a new breed of true pioneers, who are leaving the
overcrowded center of the country, exactly as Shimon Peres defined it, in order
to merge wide open expanses with Zionist action.