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SAN CRISTOBAL: Santa Fe Province, San Cristobal district
The town was founded on 21 October 1890. Along with
others, Jews from Poland and Russia arrived. The 2000 Jewish population was
twenty families, most with mixed marriages. Sociedad Israelita de San Cristsbal,
804 Pueyrredon Street, Gregorio Sorkin, President, (03408) 422-314. Burials were
in Monigotes or Moises Ville. [December 2003]
SAN GREGORIO: also see Entre Rios and Villa Dommnquez
Former name: Colonia Sonnenfeld. Located
in the center of Entre Rios province, the town is 355 km from Buenos Aires, 50
km from Basavilvaso, 35 km from Villa Clara, 22 km from Villaguay and Ingeniero
Sajaroff, and 17 km from Carmel. Sonnenfeld Colony was a bit outside Villa
Dominguez (about 7 km) and was laid out like a Russian shtetl. The town
functioned as a Chevra Kadisha for the area, the community of 52 Jewish families
founded the first Jewish cemetery in Entre Rios province (1892) from land
belonging to Aaron Yankelevich. The cemetery preceded the synagogue by one year.
Named for Leven Sonnenfeld, director of the JCA, the name San Gregorio refers to
the nearby woods. In the cemetery, parakeets fly among the eucalyptus and
azerderach trees planted by the founders of the cemetery.
- El Cementerio Israelita de San Gregorio
or La Recoleta de la Colonia Clara:
Located on Provincial Route 20 from Villa Dominguez to Basavilbase. At the
sign "El Aljibe" [The Well] turn right. A few meters further, a
gravel road to the right leads to the cemetery open Friday and Sunday from
sunup to 6 p.m. Key holder is Leon Salzman in Villa Dominguez (03455)
492043. Buried there are the following: Noe YARCHO, first physician to
arrive in Argentina via JCA; Miguel SAJAROFF, Leon GURCHUNOFF, Gregorio
SEGAL, BLACKIE family. A common grave from 1894 holds fifty people, who died
from typhus from immigrants on the "Orione." Keeper of the
cemetery for twenty years is Jose Feliciano Espinoza, who washes
gravestones, plants flowers and prunes trees. He knows the location of every
grave. The synagogue, 1 km away, is visible from the cemetery. [December
The "rice capital" of Argentina, San Salvador
is in east central Entre Rios province, 62 km SW of Concordia and 60 km NE of
Villaguay on Route 18. 419 km from Buenos Aires, 50 km from Hambis, 45 km from
Pedernal, and 14 km from General Campos.
In San Salvador district with Walter Moss, General Campos, Arroyo
Grande, and Las Colonias. The city has wide, tree-lined streets and unusual
landscaping of palms, espumillos, and imported acacias. The town containing
thirteen rice mills was called "las siete de la Jewish", JCA's seven
colonies: Lopez and Berro (SW), Palmar and Yatay, Ubajay (SE), Walter Moss and
Curbelo (N), and Santa Isabel (E). San Salvador was founded in 1889. Ashkenazi
Jews arrived in 1907. 11,100 hectares were divided into plots and distributed
among Creoles and immigrants with San Salvador as the cemetery. Rice in Entre
Rios province was first grown (about 1932) in this area. In the 1940s, the
population was about 4,000 with 600 Jews. In 2000, 35 Jewish families live among
the population of 12,000.
- El Cementerio Israelita de San Salvador: Located on Avenida de la
Paz (gravel road) and Avenida de los Rusos. Caretaker is Julio Mindez. The
following have the key: Oscar Loskin (0345) 491-0302, Rivelos Family (0345)
491-0201, and Elias Mendelovich (0345) 491-0336. The cemetery opened
officially in 1936, but some graves predate that founding. Jews from San
Salvador were buried in Lopez and Berro until this cemetery opened. The
cemetery entrance is a black iron door with two Mogen David in an arched
gate topped with a Mogen David, "1934", and a sign in Hebrew and
Spanish reading: "Cementerio Israelita." Within the cemetery is a
caretaker building, a preburial room with a sign reading, "Board of
Directors. 1995: Bernardo Grimberg, Adolfo Stubbing, Lesn Monastersky,
Moisis Hornes, B. Pochter, and H. Furman. A low rectangular pyramid is the
Holocaust Memorial. Separate section for men is to the right of the entry.
The well-kept cemetery filled with calandria (a kind of lark) is ten blocks
from downtown. [December 2003]
On National Route 18 between Villaguay Grande and
Sandoval Rivers in central Entre Rios province were Domingo Calvo and Baron
Guinsburg colonies. Baron Guinsburg also was called San Vicente for the ranch
that existed before JCA purchased it. Of those colonies, only the cemetery
remains. San Vicente's Jewish population dates from 1893 when 45 families
arrived. The synagogue dates from 1906-1952.
- El Cementerios Israelia de las Colonias Domingo Calvo y Baron Guinsburg:
On Provincial Route 18 from Parana to Concordia is a large arch indicating
the still-active cemetery, 8 km from Villa Clara, before Jubileo. 32 km from
Villaguay, 44 km from Villa Dominguez, 59 km from San Gregorio, 23 km from
Ingeniero Sajaroff, 27 km from Carmel, and 72 km from Basavilbaso. Keys:
Abraham Kreiserman, tel (03455) 491014. Entry to the bucolic site is through
two ranch gates and then an iron bar gate with a Mogen David attached to a
chain-link fence topped with barbed wire and attached to a caretaker house.
Graves date from the 1910s. No separate sections. Common graves exist for
the 1913 and 1916 typhus epidemics. Memorial markers are flat stones,
obelisks, and multistone monuments of marble and other stone. Some have
photographs. Inscriptions are mostly in Hebrew or Yiddish. The burial book
is in the possession of Zulema Danses de Fink of Villa Clara. 126 men and 86
women and one with only a surname. Two burials occurred in 2000. Very little
space for additional burials exists. [December 2003]
State of Santiago, bounded by the States of Salta and Tucuman
on the northwest, La Rioja on the west, Cordova on the south, Sante Fé on the
east, and by the Territory of El Chaco on the northeast. November 1997 Report
from Argentina JGS President Paul Armory: Santiago del Estero cemeteries: 200
burials. Source: Ing. Paul Armony, Presidente, Sociedad Argentina de Genealogia
UPDATE: Population 700,000+ in N and known
for its thermal waters of Rio Hondo. Towns: Colonia Dora and Santiago del
Estero. The city, the oldest provincial capital in Argentina (1553), is 1,070 km
from Buenos Aires and 179 km from Colonia Dora. The greatest Jewish population
in Santiago del Estero was the 1950s: 180 Ashkenazi and 20 Sephardic families,
most from Colonia Dora. 2000 Jewish population was 32 Jewish families out of
212,000 total. No synagogue ever existed but a Sociedad Israelita de Soccoros
Mutuos, 146 La Plata Street (Victor Mondschein, (0385) 421-4034 opened in 1930
with a prayer room and Hebrew school.
- Cemetery: The cemetery is located on Malvinas Argentina Avenue,
next to the municipal cemetery. Opened in 1953 on land donated by Governor
Carlos Arturo Juarez, the carob tree filled cemetery contains 180 graves
with Gothic lettered inscriptions. [December 2003]
SANTA FE Province:
In NE Argentina, towns of Moises Ville, Palacios, Las
Palmeras, Monigotes; Ceres, Montefiore, San Cristobal [December 2003]
Located in the northwest of the Argentine Republic at 26º28' S 64º30'.
We have records obtained from anniversary day sheets from Tucuman, around 1200.
Source: Ing. Paul Armony, Presidente, Sociedad Argentina de Genealogia Judia,
Formerly Colonias Palmar and Yatay in NE Entre Rios
province, 57 km from the beach in Colon, 14 km from "Palm Forest National
Park" (Parque Nacional El Palmar) on National Route 14 (El Camino Real)
from Buenos Aires to Brazil, 372 km from Buenos Aires, 51 km from Concordia, 45
km from General Campos, 35 km from San Salvador, 35 km from Pueblo Cazis, 40 km
from Hambis, and 25 km from Pedernal. Trucks on the dangerous road called
"La ruta de la muerte" replaced the railroad that linked the towns.
The two colonies of Palmar and Yatay mentally merged because of their close
geographic proximity. The 11,368-hectare colony was named for the native Yatay
palm tree. Fifty Jewish families, mostly Ashkenazi Jews from Russia, founded the
colony in 1912. In 1939, 108 Jewish families lived in Ubajay, 45 of them
farmers. In 2000, only three Jewish families remained out of the general
population of 2,000. City Hall is located at 147 Caraguata Street,
0345-490-5090. Open 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Cementerio Israelita de Ubajay: On the gravel Road to San Salvador
to the fork, then on the left road for 1.5 km, Jaime Hejt has the keys
(0345) 490-5031. Set in a large open field at the top of a hill with a row
of palm trees on either side is a decorative metal fence with a Mogen David
set in a wire and post fence. At the entry of the cemetery is a double cast
iron gate with a Mogen David. A little building with a door, window, and
Mogen David is just beyond the gate. Founded in 1917 at the death of a three
month-old girl, three rows of women's grave are on the left and six rows of
men on the left, totally about one hundred graves with Hebrew inscriptions,
some illegible. Graves were repaired in the 1980s in the still active
(occasionally) cemetery. [December 2003]
VENEZIANI: See RIVERA. Veneziani is 10 km north of Rivera. Settled in
1937 by 36 Jewish farmers from Germany (and one Polish Jewish family), the town
was abandoned in 1980. Any burials probably were in Rivera. [December 2003]
VILLA ALCARAZ: also see Entre Rios
In northeast Entre Rios province, 102 km from Parana on
Provincial Route 127, 530 km from Buenos Aires, 125 km from La Paz, 47 km from
Avigdor, and 25 km from Bovril. Most streets are unpaved. 2300 is the 2001
population. The 9,239-hectare colony of Leonardo Cohen, founded 1924, is east of
the railroad; and Colonia Luis Oungre, founded in 1925 or 1931 with 13,835
hectares by 28 settlers, is to the west. These two colonies and Avigdor were the
final settlements of European Jewry in Argentina. The economy is still a mixture
of dairy, orchards, poultry, and agriculture. City Hall: intersection of Colon
and San Juan Streets. M-F, 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- El Cementerio Israelita de Alcaraz: Located 10 km from the town on
a dirt road, contact Ruben "Bocha" Berman or Semaj Berman . A
chain link fence with an iron Mogen David and Menorah surround the cemetery
begun in 1920s. A small white preburial house and Holocaust memorial are
within the site. 200 graves have women on the right and men on the left. One
couple is buried together. [December 2003]
VILLA ANGELA: also see CHACO province
Located in SE Chaco province. Villa Angela is 1017 km
from Buenos Aires, 195 km from Resistencia, 96 km from Presidencia Saenz Pena,
and 78 km from Charata. Villa Angela City Hall, 8 1st de Mayo Street,
The first Jewish settlers arrived in 1905 from Santa Fe
province (Moises Ville and Montefiore). In 1914, the railroad arrived bringing
twenty Sephardic families from Marrakech and families from Poland to relatives
already there. They came for tax-free land. Then, in the 1940s, crops failed for
the 120 Jewish families living there. The current 31,500 population has 26
Jewish families. The Jewish Cultural and Philanthropic Association, 81 Ruvadavua
St., Jacobo Garber, founded in 1927, was struck by fire on 9 October 1970,
destroying the arch, three torahs and the minute book. Now, Yom Kippur is the
only official holiday held there.
- El Cementerio Israelita: Located on Falucho Street, starting at the
train station, take JB Justo Street to Lisandro de la Torre Street. At the
end, turn left onto Avenida del Trabago to the intersection. Turn right for
500 meters. The key holder is Rodolfo Corzo, who lives next door to the
always-locked cemetery. La Chaquena Company donated one hectare of land in
1934 for the cemetery. A Mogen David above the wooden entry door in the high
wall as "1934" in the center. Prior to 1934, Villa Angela Jews
used the cemeteries at Charata or Resistencia. Inscriptions are in Yiddish
and Spanish. Up to 1976, the cemetery had 121 graves. One marked with two
cement triangles forming a Mogen David holds the three torahs burned in the
fire. [December 2003]
VILLA CLARA: also see Villaguay, Colonia Espmndola and Entre Rios
Located 395 km from Buenos Aires, 80 km from
Basavilvaso, 37 km from San Gregorio, 30 km from Villa Dominguesz, 25 km from
Villaguay, 19 km from Carmel, 15 km from Ingeniero Sajaroff, and 10 km from San
Vicente. Former name: Colonia Bilez and called "Doll Town." Clara was
the name of Baroness Hirsch. Founded in 1902, the clay-soil colony was 80,265
hectares with a wide, 2 km long round lined with pioneer homes. This
rice-growing center was the training center for JCA; settlers were required to
complete training here to receive land. Water came from a city pump; electricity
arrived in 1930, but only for streetlights. Water and electricity to individual
homes came only in 1970. The current population is 3,400. At one time, the
Jewish population was 1,000. A museum (Museo Historico Regional de Villa Clara)
at San Martmn Avenue and Baron Hirsch Street at Old Villa Clara Train Station
has useful information. Contact Zulema Danses de Fink,
Director: Fabiana Quiroga.
- El Cementerio Israelita de Clara-Bilez: From downtown, take San
Martin Avenue to Yrigoyen Street to Diamante Street to the cemetery.
Contact: Zulema Danses de Fink, Graves date from 1892. The first
burial was a Piamante, Italy Jewish couple, who died in a boat accident. By
rumor, the still-active, but crowded, cemetery was founded by Ionte
Anapolsky, who died at age 114. Some graves have sheet metal plates with
inscription in Hebrew. Some gravestones are inscribed marble. Some have
photographs. Cemetery contains a Holocaust memorial. [December 2003]
VILLA DOMINGUEZ: also see Villaguay and Entre Rios
18 km SE of Villaguay in the "center" of the
Clara colony (named for Barsness Hirsch) of Entre Rios Province was founded in
1892. Site of agricultural cooperative, Fondo Comunal Sociedad Cooperativa
Agricultural Cooperative Company and Community Fund: the town originated as
three ranches of which only one remains (San Manuel) and eventually was home to
the first Jewish Hospital in South America. Probably, burials were in San
Gregorio Jewish Cemetery, 7 km away. [December 2003]
VILLAGUAY: also see Entre Rios and San Gregorio
Located in central Entre Rios province, Villaguay was
an inn halfway between Concepcion del Uruguay and Parana River and later named
Santa Rosa de Villaguay. Until 1873, the town was under military control.
Ashkenazi Jews from Ingeniero Sajaroff, Perliza, Desparramados, Villa Clara, and
Villa Dominguez settled there. Tourism contact: Sergio Miranda (Mirst Travel),
301 Colon Street, Villagua, . Jewish Argentine Association of Villaguay: 567
Balcarce Street, Contact Silvio Teveles, Jewish population in 1952 was 120
Jewish families. 2001 Jewish population was fifty families of the population of
54,000. Apparently, Villaguay Jews used the San Gregorio Jewish Cemetery.
[December 2003]
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