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Reunion in Palestine and the position of those who remain behind
are firmly convinced that the anxiety of the assimilated Jews is without
foundation. The reunion of the Jewish people in Palestine will not have
the consequence the latter fear. Once there is a Jewish country, the Jews
will have the choice of emigrating thither or of remaining in their
present home. Many will doubtless remain and those who do remain will have
shown by their choice that they prefer their native land to their race and
the national country. It is possible that even then the anti-Semites will
still hurl into their teeth the contemptuous and perfidious reproach:
"Foreigners!" But those who are real Christians among the
fellow-citizens, those who think and feel in accordance with the
teachings and examples of the Gospel, will be convinced that these Jews do
not regard themselves as strangers in their native country, and the latter
will be able properly to show their voluntary renunciation of the return
to their own Jewish country and their faithful loyalty to their home and
their Christian neighbors.
know that they have undertaken a work of unexampled difficulty. The
attempt has never been made of transplanting several million people in a
short time from different countries to another territory by peaceful
means; the attempt has never been made to convert millions of
proletarians, without a tirade and sadly reduced in physical respects,
into agriculturists and cattle-breeders, to make the shopkeepers and
dealers of tile city, tile agents and domestic servants, all divorced from
nature, once more familiar with the plough and with nourishing Mother
Earth. It will be necessary to accustom the Jews of different origin to
one another, to train them practically to national uniformity, and thereby
to conquer tile almost superhuman difficulties arising out of differences
of language, dissimilar culture, and the modes of thought, prejudices,
inclinations, and aversions of foreign nationalities, which they will
bring with them from the land of their birth.
Zionists are encouraged to begin this labor of Hercules by the conviction
that they are doing a necessary and useful work, a work of love and
of civilization, a work of justice and of wisdom. They want to save from
eight to ten million of their brethren from intolerable misery. They want
to deliver the nations, amid which they are now vegetating, from the
presence of Jews who, they tell us, are a burden to them and whose
residence amongst them is obviously disagreeable to them. They want to
remove its victims from anti-Semitism, which everywhere degrades public
morals and magnifies tile worst instincts. They want to make the Jews, who
are reproached at present with being parasites, into valuable producers.
They want to water with their sweat a land which is to-day a desert, and
to cultivate it with their hands until it becomes a luxuriant garden as of
yore. Thus will Zionism be of equal service to the unfortunate Jews and to
the Christian nations, to civilization and to international economy, and
the services which it can render and will render, are great enough to
justify the hope that the Christian world will also hold them in honor and
support the movement with its active sympathy.